“My Truth”

I was thinking today about the concept of “my truth” versus “the truth.” I’ve always thought the concept was entirely invalid but upon further consideration I think there is one context where “my truth” is a valid category. That situation is when answering a question about honesty. To determine if a person is honest we ask only that they speak “their truth” rather than “the truth.” Why? Because the question of honestly is not a question about how knowledgeable someone is but rather a question about how deceptive they are. If someone speaks accurately about their own framework of understanding but inaccurately about the framework of reality that person is both wrong and honest. If on the other hand, they repeat a truth they are unconvinced of for the sake of social cohesion, they are being dishonest in-spite of the accuracy of their declaration. I point this out in hopes that we don’t immediately dismiss people speaking about “their truth” but instead seek to first determine if they’re claiming personal honesty or pretending that the world has a different reality for each person.

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